Hosted by Bayou Bend Fitness Center and Bayou Bend Health System.
From 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM for March’s Bayou Bend Brown Bag Club series in the Conference Center inside the Wellness Center at Bayou Bend.
March is National Nutrition Month, and Bayou Bend’s Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist, Brianne Burgess,
will be providing guests with helpful information about eating right and everyday nutrition facts.
Guests can bring their own lunch, or a FREE lunch will be provided courtesy of Bayou Bend Health System and Bayou Bend Fitness Center.
This event is FREE to attend, but we do ask that you please pre-register to ensure there is enough seating and lunches.
To enquire about this event or to pre-register, please call the Bayou Bend Fitness Center front desk at (337) 413-5104
or stop by in person at 1029 Northwest Blvd. in Franklin.