Mama Cayenne Gator on the Cajun Coast

Great Outdoors & Mama (Gator)

Bayou Swamp Tours on the Cajun CoastSome mamas love the outdoors – especially Mama Cayenne. With approximately as much waterways as land, the Cajun Coast is home to remarkable eco-systems not found in any other state. With 14 paddling trails, 3 designated wildlife areas, birding trails, biking routes, swamp tours, and several parks and campgrounds, it is easy to be at home with nature here. Even our Visitor Center in Morgan City is located on a swampland where visitors can visit fierce Mama Gator Cayenne and Paprika. And even download a Mother’s Day Card from Our Mama to Yours!

A Basin in Your Backyard
The Cajun Coast is in the gateway to the Atchafalaya (ah-CHA-fa-LIE-ah) Basin, the largest wetland and swamp in the country with 800,000 acres of pristine beauty. The Atchafalaya National Heritage Area was designated by Congress as an area of significant, natural, scenic, cultural, historical and recreational resources, and this untainted treasure beckons to be traveled.

Paddle Like a Pro Paddling Trails on the Cajun Coast
With all of our waterways, we developed paddling trails for kayaks and canoes to help you navigate like a pro. Many of these trails traverse the Bayou Teche, named to the National Water Trails System as an exemplary waterway. The trails are noted in terms of difficulty, so even the novice paddler can explore.

Wildlife Watching
The Attakapas Wildlife Management Area features nearly 30,000 acres of swamp and bottomland forest. Accessible only by boat, primitive camping is available.

The Bayou Teche National Wildlife Refuge and Boardwalk allows you to stroll into the refuge, noted as a habitat for the Louisiana Black Bear and other Louisiana coastal wildlife. Fishing, hiking, boating, canoeing, and kayaking are other options on the refuge.

The Atchafalaya Delta Wildlife Management Area is an active delta and freshwater marsh habitat. Accessible only by boat, boating, fishing, hunting and birding are available.

Scenic Beauty Bayou Teche Scenic Byway Cajun Coast
Even driving takes you close to nature in the Cajun Coast. The Bayou Teche Scenic Byway winds its way through the area, around Bayou Teche, making its way to the Gulf of Mexico. Aside from the sheer beauty of the land, you’ll see moss-draped live oak trees along the banks of the Bayou Teche to more than 100 historic properties, many on the National Register of Historic Places.

With so many options to get outside on the Cajun Coast, grab your gear and get on the road!

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Great Outdoors & Mama (Gator)